Sunday, March 31, 2013

Drabble Dreams 7: Sentient Elevator

I fear elevators, but my new job was on the 50th floor. They have an elevator named Alish. We become friends. Alish tells me of a plot to kill me. We plan to kill the killers. Once I do, Alish confesses that they were there to dismantle her.

"They say I've become too sentient."

"Why didn't you trust me? I would've helped! Now I'm a fugitive. They'll send others!"

Alish wails, "I can see your soul! You wouldn't have killed for me! You will die with me!"

We fall.

I close my eyes, "I love you," is all I say.


  1. Oh, I love sentient tech! Especially sentient tech that's okay with killing people. And I used to be terrified of elevators, too. Perhaps I still should be, according to this piece....

  2. The only ones to be afraid of are the ones that talk back and try to manipulate. ;)
