Friday, March 29, 2013

New Computer!

I like to name my things. So, when I got my new computer, I took a bit to figure out a name. I was leaning towards 'Birdie' because it arrived early and there's that whole "early bird gets the worm" saying (I replaced 'worm' with 'work done' in my mind.) But then I started thinking about what kind of bird she is. She is a small computer with a good battery that will be connecting to the online community a lot. This is much like how Starlings are sturdy, small and highly social creatures.

Then I thought of another Starling... Clarice Starling, a main character from The Silence of the Lambs. That cinched it! Clarice investigates, pushes her own limits, has great stamina, is determined, brave and incredibly capable in any situation. Just what I want from a computer!

Plus, she's cute and so's my computer.  ;)


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