Monday, December 1, 2014

Jelly Drabble

Oh Mint Flavor Apple Jelly! 
Where have you been all my life?
You are so delicious to eat but not so lovely to look upon. 
You are green and slimy. 
You look like boogers! 
Oh how I wish I had met you when I was a kid. 
We would have had such fun, dear jelly. 
I would have smeared you all over my face and hands and chased my sisters around growling, 
"I am the booger monster!" 
Now that I think about it, it's probably best that I met you now instead of then. 
I'm sure my sisters would agree.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 6: Abandoned Balloon

Some snotty kid was all excited to have me and hold me by my string for all of thirty seconds. Then I was let go to drift. I don’t think the kid even noticed being so weighed down by stuffed animals and funnel cake and hot dog and soda.
It was fun, for a while, just floating below the stratosphere. But then my air began to escape. I tried to tighten my knot and hold myself taut, but nothing helped. I was losing altitude.
I was deflating when she came along with that dog. The pup bit me and…

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 5: The Tomb Under the Road

"She even had her eyebrows still attached."

Nobody could have known what lay beneath the land that was to become a road. No one knew what would be unleash when they opened the tomb except for the dead. They tried to warn everyone, whispering in ears, even interfering in the progress when they could. But the contract said dig, so they dug. When they found the tomb, they brought in archeologists who removed the mummy and all the artifacts from the forbidden city of the Ming Dynasty.
Seven hundred years ago, the spell was cast and buried. At long last, it would see the light of day.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 4: Lamest Drabble

So tired. There are about a million things I want / need to do… Clean / organize my room (boring), laundry (must be done), post about my b-day party (shut-up, I know how old I am. I will get excited about birthdays ‘til I’m 80+!), WRITE (beyond this tripe, I mean), take care of cats (oh wait, I did! SCORE!), work on No Shush Salon event stuff, NOT hang out on facebook for hours (oops! FAIL…), set up a date or two, apply, organize my pet care bag…

But all I want to do is SLEEP. So… nap and set an alarm.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 3: Brain Pain

It’s been growing there for quite a while, this thing in my brain. The other day, it started talking to me.
“Will you write about me?”
“Who are you?” I asked, thinking it must be a character waiting to be put in a story.
“I am part of you but not. I grew from you and I give you pain. Also, I have teeth.”
It likes to taunt me; pretending that it’s going to eat my brain.
Then it laughs. “Oh no, mon ame. Your tĂȘte is full of le fluff. Je t'aime.”
It loves me by giving me pain.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 2: The Squirrel Watches YOU!!!

“Whatchu lookin’ at, dog?”
Phoebe stops and pulls her walker back to the tree. She looks up at a squirrel hanging sideways on the bark.
“Well,” says Phoebe. “It’s bitch, not dog and I didn't even see you.”
The squirrel laughs. “Oh, that came out totally wrong! I noticed you stopped over there and was wondering what had your attention.”
“Come on, Phoebe.” The walker pulls on the leash. “Let’s leave the nice squirrel alone.”
“There’s a really big acorn under that leaf!” Phoebe barks as she’s dragged away.

“Thanks!” The squirrel chitters back, scurrying over to the big acorn.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Writober Daily Drabble 1: Missing You

The other day, “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father” popped into my head. This was one of mom’s favorite shows. She would sometimes sing the “Best Friend” theme song to me and my sister. This was before we moved to Venezuela; before I turned six. After we moved, she’d still sometimes sing the song. I asked her why she liked that show so much. She said it showed how strong the love of family is even after tragedy hits. After my older sister’s accident and subsequent brain injury, I understood a bit more of what she meant.

I miss you, Mom.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #10: The Snoracle

The snoring man slept on a clear night, with many stars staring down at the campers gathered around the Shaman circle fire. At first, the five friends carried on carousing, not even aware of the snoring man. But as conversations waned, they couldn’t help but hear the snores.

“I wonder what it means,” said Ben.

“What what means?” Asked Bek.

“The snores. I’m curious… there’s got to be at least one religion where sleep is interpreted by someone other than the sleeper. Like, could there be a religion based on, say, snores?”

Just then, a loud rumbling snore emitted from the tent across the way.

“The snoring man says yes!” Ben exclaimed. They all laughed.

A guy from another circle wandered over to their fire. “Do any of you know where Shana’s camped?”

None of them knew Shana, but as they were about to tell him that when the snoring man made a noise that sounded like the word left.

“The snoracle has spoken! She is either camped on the left or she left.”

The guy’s cell phone beeped. He looked down and read a text. “Huh. Looks like she did leave. Some sort of emergency at home?” He waved and hurried off.

They all turned to Ben. He grinned and shrugged. “Coincidence?” Then with a mischievous look, he said, “or is it?”

They laughed.

Paul sat forward with rosy cheeks, his Scouser accent thick with alcohol. “Gonna rain?” He asked.

A light airy snore answered, “yeeeeeessssss.”

They all turned their faces to the sky that had been clear just seconds before and it poured only on them for five seconds then stopped,

“That was weird,” Jeanine murmured, sober and and somber from the dousing.

“I have a question,” Kelly hopped up excitedly, shaking water from her hair and body. “What is the answer?”

A long, drawn out snore that sounded like, “Forty-two.”

They laughed again.

At the same time, both Bek and Ben spoke.

Ben asked, “What is the question?”

At the same time Bek said, “When will we die?”

The snorer said, “that in minutes.”

Forty-two minutes later they were all dead.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #9: Ben Who Left and Almost Never Came Back

Dedicated to Ben and based on a true story... though completely fictional

"Come on, let's go!" Ben's friends called.

"Where are we going?" Ben asked as he caught up.

A sly smile touched the lips of his closest friend as they stepped nearer to one of the sacred circles. "We," he said, "are going to a wedding!"

"Oh, okay," said Ben. "Whose wedding?"

"Yours!" His friends sang in chorus as they arrive.

In the clearing was a dragon. She was 10 feet tall, orange and blue and scaled like a serpent. She winked at Ben. He squealed then fled. He could hear the flap of leathery wings and he ran faster. The trees to his left and right burst into flames. He pushed himself to run even faster. The air filled with smoke and ash flew into his eyes and nose and throat. He coughed, feeling his pace slow and his legs become wobbly. His vision blurred as his head felt like it was floating above him.

"Am I high?" He asked, sinking to the soft, inviting earth.

A warmth surrounded him as the dragon wrapped around his body.

"Yes," she said and held him tight.

So they got married.

Alas, Ben had eaten raw chicken on a shish kabob so he got salmonella and died.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #8: Pizza Camping

"I wish we had pizza," she sighed.

"Me too!" Her friend squealed, bouncing in her slingback chair. "Pizza, pizza, pizza!" She chanted.

To their delight, pizza was delivered to the woods where they were camping.

"Ooooooo, neat!" Applauded the sighing girl. "I wish we had a swimming pool."

"Me too!" The friend echoed and bounced again. "Pool, pool, pool!"

In recorded history, it was the first monsoon to hit Indiana, drowning the entire campground.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #7: MILK

"Whole milk is too thick," he spat, curling his lips & sticking out his tongue in disgust. 

"Skim?" She asked. 

"Might as well drink water." 

"Okay." So she poured the two together on his head.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #6: Library Fines

Displaying photo.JPG
"I'm here to take care of my fine." The man said in a very serious tone.
"Oh good," said the older library worker.
"'Bout time," smirked the other one.
"That'll be," the first one paused. "Twenty cents."
They all laughed as he dropped two dimes in the counter. He gave an exaggerated wipe to his forehead.
"Glad to have that off my conscience."
"Oh, I know!" Exclaimed the young smirker. "You don't want to let that build up! If you owe over five dollars, we send out the Library's Secret Mafia."
He laughed. "Good! I can stop running. Have a good day!"
They waved and wished him a good day too.
The older woman turned to the younger one. "Why would you say that? You know we never send out the Mafia before a fifty dollar infraction."

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #5: Purple Tent

(This Tiny Terrible Tale is dedicated in its entirety to Claire Allysse Cecelia Dagmar Queen of the Fjords Liptrot. It is, in fact, NOT about her.)

She wants a purple tent; a purple, purple tent.
"There are no purple tents!" 
She pouted and cried and wailed and whined until someone came along, shoved her in her tent and poured ten tons of purple paint on it.
"There! You happy?"
From deep within the purple came a squeaky little, "No!"

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Forth Tiny Terrible Tale: Camping Culinary Masterpiece

dedicated to Burrito Dave, the Boy Scout & Lothlorien

"It is TIME," announced the Boy Scout as he rose from his camp chair with a gleam in his eye.

He crossed to the very swank camping kitchen and began. Using all his skills, he produced Crab Rangoon in the woods and the happy hippy campers cheered. Burrito Dave popped out of his tent and began making burritos. The campers cheered again.

"Oh, so it's a contest, eh?" The Boy Scout brandished his spatula.

Slowly turning his head, Burrito Dave flipped his knife into the air and caught it by the handle.

"Never bring a spatula to a knife fight, Scout!"

The sound of metal spatula bouncing off the sharp blade drew more curious campers to the clearing from all directions.The campers cheered the dual until Burrito Dave sliced the Boy Scout. Swiftly chopping him to bits, he tossed the bloody Scout into the burritos.

"Who's hungry?" He shouted, spinning to find the circle of camp chairs vacated.

(This is a work of fiction. It in no way represents the true nature of the relationship between Burrito Dave and the Boy Scout nor any events that took place at Lothlorien. No Boy Scouts were harmed in the making of this story.)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Drabble Dream 20: Test

I'm waiting to take a test. 
The test doesn't start for another four hours, but people are running around and screaming. I sit calmly. The proctors for the test has each of us go into separate rooms. There is only one desk. It's too small and the chair is too big to fit under it. The proctor says I have a certain amount of time to finish the test but refuses to tell me how much. The test has only one question:
What is the purpose of your life and why?
My answer is amazing.

But when I wake, the answer is forgotten.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale #3: Baby Powers

"She's so good with babies!" Kelly's wife, Miranda said. "Every time she holds them, they fall asleep."
The exhausted Mom happily handed Kelly her screaming baby. True to what Miranda said, the baby fell right to sleep.
The Mom smiled. "Thank you."
Kelly nodded then broke the baby.
"Oh," said Miranda, "That happens sometimes."

*** No actual babies were harmed in this tale ***

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tale, take TWO: The Death of a Pen

"Stories left untold, words unwritten, yet here I lie at the bottom of a trashcan with ink still in my heart."

"Oh, do shut up!" Said the half eaten doughnut.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Daily Drabble 30: Corpses

"It must be weird with all of the corpses."
"For the trees."
"Still not followin' ya, hon."
"So what if all the statues were like actually corpses? And some other something uses them to do whatever."
"Is this what your fancy college classes, I paying for, teach you?"
"No dad! I thought of this on my own. Like electrical poles are the corpses of trees and they're all around the living trees. Isn't that sad?"
"Well... bodies, buried in the ground, once broken down, feed the trees. So they use our corpses too."
"Isn't the circle of life grand?"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tiny Terrible Tales 1: Shark and Cow

Guest Staring: Bee and Zebra

Late one night while camping, Cow was sitting by the fire, meditating on the flames. Shark came up behind him.
"Whatcha doin'?" Shark asked.
"Meditating on the fire," said Cow.
"Cool." Said Shark and he ate him.
He then sat in Cows empty chair and meditated on the fire until Bee and Zebra showed up. Then, they ate him.


dedicated to Claire and Tracy 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Dearest Natterlings,

I have been away due to technological difficulties & a vacation. But I'm back! I have a new & exciting story series called Tiny Terrible Tales to launch tomorrow. (I started writing them in the woods. Yay!)

Happy Nattering! 
Nin Nyx

p.s. Here's a fire! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Drabble Dream 19: Pilot

I was in a plane or a spaceship and getting ready to take off. I was a certified pilot and had been flying for years.
“Are you sure you can do this?” The voice was outside the plane or spaceship.
I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been doing this for years. I know what I’m doing.”
“But you’re blind!”
I was. But I had the controls memorized. I could do this! I could… crap. Did I just run into the side of the hanger?
“Abort! Abort!” I shouted.
“You’re not even out of the building!” The voice screamed. “You’re on FIRE!”

Friday, May 9, 2014

Daily Drabble 29: Post-it Inspiration

Post-it found in one of the books returned at the library today:
"Xemes play the xylophone in former Xanadu, Southeast Aisa."

When he woke in former Xanadu, Xemes was surprised. He managed to avoid Aisa despite it sitting right on top of the Southeast Asia. Most folks slipped easily between the two once they knew that the shadow land was there. Aisa was an escape from the responsibilities waiting in Asia. But no matter how hard anyone tried, they stretched like rubber bands and would always snap back. No one could stay for longer than a week. At least not until Xemes. After he’d been there for a month, he realized he would never snap back. That’s when the xylophone arrived.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Daily Drabble 28: CAKE!

Love                                              Love
Love yourself                                 Love yourself
Love yourself with a cake                Love yourself with a cake
Love yourself with a birthday cake  Love yourself with a birthday cake
Love yourself with a birthday cake made of ice cream cream and cake
Because it is your birthday you deserve to do the things you want
If you understood what this was about you would already know
You would know why it is important how it is awesome
While it is about cake it is not about cake
It is always about much more
It is about love
Love of self

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Drabble Dream 18: Telepathic Sleeper

Two unidentifiable figures in lab coats stand behind a plate of glass watching a sea of bodies on mattresses scattered throughout the room.

"What about that one?"

"Which one?"

"The one over there who has a bed all to herself and all that room around her."

"Have you ever tried sleeping with a telepath? Not having sex, that's great, but actually sleeping with. Without meaning to, they get into your head. Their dreams become entwined with yours and they wake up knowing all sorts of things about you. I saw one guy go absolutely insane because he slept with one."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Daily Drabble 27: Invasive Nature

Today I saw this quote:
"Yes, all of the ants die in the process, but given the ants’ invasive nature and the abundance of the species, it’s hardly worth losing any sleep over."

In a galaxy far beyond our own, another species looked down at us. As it poured molten lava from the sky, it said, “Yes, all of the humans die in the process, but given the humans' invasive nature and the abundance of the species, it's hardly worth losing any sleep over.”

The art that’s made from the dead human civilizations is beautiful.

“I call this one, Pompeii.”

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Daily Drabble 26: Funeral Town

If you find yourself in a town beyond the cities, where nature ends and society is lost, you are in Funeral Town. Life in Funeral Town moves at a different pace. There are graveyards on every corner and the parades of the dead extend for miles. The carriages who are not part of the processionals, will wait patiently. As the hearses are pulled through the streets, the people waiting and watching will lower their heads. They are not lowered in respectful prayer, merely as a way to avoid seeing the newly dead. For in Funeral Town, the dead never leave.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Daily Drabble 25: Lazy Bones

Wasting light and wasting life
Living as if you have no strife
Tangled within the bed you made
You find you are beginning to fade

Lazy bones, lazy bones!
What do you do,
You Lazy Bones?
Lazy bones, lazy bones!
What do you do,
You Lazy Bones?

But there are things you need to do
You don’t know? I can name a few!
If only you could just move on
You lay that still, you’ll soon be gone!

Lazy bones, lazy bones!
What do you do,
You Lazy Bones?
Lazy bones, lazy bones!
What do you do,

You Lazy Bones?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Daily Drabble 24: Tone Deaf

One day when I was in junior high, my mom was driving me to my harp lesson. She had a bit of a mischievous look in her eye. She asked me if I remembered when I first learned the ABCs.
“No,” I said. “Why?”
“Well, the day you came home after learning the ABC song, you sang it for me. But you had no inflection. You sang it all in one note. I thought, oh no, poor girl is tone deaf.”
“Maybe I was.”
“I think you were. But you grew out of it. And now you play the harp.”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Daily Drabble 23: It's All in the Eye

One of the Huskies I walk is blind. She has slowly lost her sight over time. When I first met her, she could see but she’d lost one eye to glaucoma and her family was trying to save the other eye with eye drops. Thus far, they’ve been able to save the eye, but not the sight. Her brother, a husky mix, is really good about pinballing her away from hazards on our walks. She will sometimes walk next to him and he will guide her. He can be a goof, but he takes care of his sister. It’s sweet.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Daily Drabble 22: Red Wire Horse

The mystery of you makes me smile. I don’t know why someone chose to put you on their lawn, but I’m glad they did. I wonder if they made you or bought you from some art gallery or a thrift store. I wonder what other people think when they see you. I see story ideas. But I always see stories.
In my mind, you were found. A bit of trash left near the curb by a frustrated artist. But you were seen, taken and given a fresh coat of paint then placed in the front yard to protect the house.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Daily Drabble 21: Bevel Bottomed Bottle

The bevel bottomed bottle (say that fast five times) sitting in a cup was the last thing I saw. At least, it was the last thing I saw while I was still alive. For the very moment my eyes were lazily gazing at the bottle and wondering if I shouldn’t just toss it since it can’t stand on its own, I feel a crack that runs through me and my face pitches forward. It’s strange to feel the moment of your demise yet not know how or why it happened and to have your last thoughts be about a bottle.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Daily Drabble 20: Ink in His Fort

He’s watching you, he’s watching everyone from his fort. He has plans and he plots in his fort. If you are a cat or a human, he will get you. He’d get a dog in there were a dog in the house. He is the mastermind. He will manipulate and control the world! All will be beneath his paw! He sighs happily and stretches looking out at his domain. He will have world domination!

He thinks about leaving his fort and creating havoc. But he’s a bit tired. He stretches again and yawns. But later… he needs to nap now.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Brain Freeze

A bolt in the skull
Freezing the thoughts in the brain
Unable to write

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Drabble Dream 17: Three Grown Men

The man behind the desk loosened his tie. “The drop will be at the bookstore in the kids section.” The two men standing in front him exchanged looks.
“Won’t that look suspicious? Grown men sitting in the kids section?”
The first man shook his head. “We’re not going to look like three grown men.”

“Do you see them?” I pointed to the kids section.
“Do you mean the man and his sons?” Marisol asked.
I shook my head. “No, the three men just sitting at the table down there.”

She squinted, but could only see the boys and the man.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Daily Drabble 19: Chicken Wire in the Kitchen

What nobody expected was the cat.
He watched them fill the little plastic containers with dirt and seeds. They lined them up on the counter and watered them as the cat watched. But it wasn’t all that exciting so he walked away.
A couple of days later, he noticed the little pots had green things pointing up. He waited until they left before investigating. Climbing onto the cat tree closest to the island, he gaged the distance. It wasn’t too far. He jumped. A few of the sprouts bent under his weight.
The next day, they put up chicken wire.

Chicken Wire in the Kitchen

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Daily Drabble 18: Hot Late

Late night hot chocolate is listed in the menu as Hot Late. Perhaps some hip new lingo? It was delicious! Bunny ears and random thoughts. I am working on something secret. I’m no good at secrets. If anybody asks, I will tell them and be proud. Behind me, four older women discuss someone who doesn’t celebrate easter.
“Don’t they eat? The it’s an easter dinner.”
Is that logic sound? Don’t most people eat at least once a day? Do you? Maybe we are all eating easter dinner all the time.

But no… We eat many meals. Falling asleep while typing…

Monday, April 21, 2014

Daily Drabble 17: Terrible Poetry is Terrible (And picture too!)

Livin’ in a dome
Our beaver home
We gnaw on the wood
At times misunderstood
We manipulate
And create
We have the greatest plan
We are the Beaver Clan

Watch us swim so deep
The truth is what we keep
We smell like vanilla
Not like a gorilla
We manipulate
And create
We have the greatest plan
We are the Beaver Clan

We needn’t any tools
We’re very rarely fools
We’re waterproof
It’s not a spoof
We manipulate
And create
We have the greatest plan
We are the Beaver Clan

We have the greatest plan
We are the Beaver Clan