Tuesday, April 16, 2013


"I'm bored!"
"My mother used to say, only boring people get bored."
"Are you calling me boring?"
"No, I was quoting my mother."
"Well what?"
"Well, I'm still bored!"
"And how exactly is this my problem? Am I supposed to entertain you?"
"That would be cool."
"Not gonna happen."
"Why not? Don't you ever get bored?"
"Because I'm not here to serve you and no. I've never been bored in my life."
"How's that possible?"
"Well, whenever I find that something's not holding my interest, I think of or do other things."
"So.... you entertain yourself?"
"Then you could entertain me!"
"Not gonna happen."
"But I'm bored!"
"Not my problem."

1 comment:

  1. *snort* I think I might have been on one side of that conversation with my grandmother once.
