Saturday, September 26, 2015


After my horrendous FAIL last year and my serious NEGLECT of this blog this year, I was tempted not to try WRITOBER again. But after seeing my artist friends post about Inktober and Drawlloween, I decided to plunge in screaming.


Here are my rules for myself:
  2. Post something, if not EVERY DAY, then every other day
  3. Decide what to write beforehand...
    • Oh, who am I kidding? I'm totally gonna steal at least some of my "topics" from the Drawlloween list & the rest will be figured out as I go along.
  4. Nin, if you say, "fuck-it" to everything else & post nothing, still WRITE!!!
  5. Have Fun!!!

If you decide to do this, I would LOVE it if you posted a link to your WRITOBER in the comments! It would be so nice not to be alone...